Wednesday, January 9, 2013

our first vacation

Tuesday we took our first vacation in a very, very long time. It was also Olivia's first vacation. We went to Chicago which is a four hour drive. We left at six a.m. and got to Chicago at eleven Ohio time. Olivia did really well sleeping most of the way and the rest of the time she was entertained by her toys. Some tips on long drives are: def.  have toys, lots of toys lol. Also I have my phone with music she likes, and I put it next to her in the car and that kept her entertained most of the drive and it also puts her to sleep. So that was good. I also made sure I had bottles made for the whole trip.

We had so much fun exploring a new city together as a family. Olivia seemed to enjoy all the bright lights. And we just loved getting away for a while. We got to eat a lot of delicious food! The pizza is AMAZING! Seriously its sooo good. We also went to Superdawg that we had seen on Food Network and Travel Channel and it was pretty good but I didn't think it was much better than your average hot dog place. Their fudge sundae was really good.  I do have to say you walk so much in Chicago that I feel like it would be impossible to gain weight lol.

So I know I have mentioned that I have been suffering from anxiety for about two years now. I finally got on medication in September and it has been working wonderfully! BUT while in Chicago I got some anxiety and it kind of sucked because it def made our vacation less enjoyable. On our way back home I had a really bad anxiety attack and it was horrible especially being hours away from home. I finally calmed down after playing  with Olivia in the car and getting some food. So I def need to work on relaxing and calming down when I start to get anxious especially because we have an ever bigger trip coming up! We are going to visit my family in California in two months.

 So a few updates on Olivia,  she is going to be five months in two days! She rolled over for the first time the day after Christmas! She is also starting to sit on her own. She is  talking so much more and super loud lol. She likes to scream super high pitched lol its honestly the funniest thing ever. On her last doctors appointment she weighed 14 lbs and was 24 inches long. So she is right on track with her development.

As for me I am still trying to loose weight. During the holiday season I have lost six lbs which isn't much but considering all the delicious food there was and how much I ate I would say I did pretty good. I also just started spring classes this week and so far its going good, hope I will keep on track. Its going to be especially hard since Livs isn't napping so much during the day, but I am just going to have to work harder. So that is all for this update. 

Also if you subscribe to my blog I will be having a giveaway next month so leave me a comment and I will choose a winner on Feb 14th! No need to be a mama to enjoy this gift!

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