We got to the hospital at about nine am. We were admitted by 9:30 and I was four cm dilated so I requested to have the epidural right away since I had been in pain for about 8 hours and I did not want to experience the really strong contractions. At about 11 am I got the epidural and the only part that hurt was when they numb you with the local anaesthesia but it was bearable. When my midwife Kat ( who is the most amazing lady ever!) came to check me I was at almost at six cm dilated so she broke my water. This was at about three a clock. So I stayed at a six for almost 10 hours. Late at night I started dilating little by little by seven am I was at a nine. I thought in a few hours I would have Olivia but I was wrong it took me till ten to get to ten cm. I started practice pushing at 10:30am and pushed until about 2pm. At 2 the doctor came in and said he wanted to try the vacuum because Olivia's head was turned a certain way that my pushing and the contractions weren't getting her past that spot. So they got the vacuum and I pushed for about 30 min. While they were tugging with the vacuum it came off and blood went everywhere. I looked at Justin's face and he looked like he was about to cry. I could tell he was really scared for the both of us. I was so determined though to get her out without a c-section that I kept telling them to keep going with other things. So they tried the forceps and that didn't work so finally they decided a c-section was the only option at that point. I was so devasted I was crying uncontrollably but Justin and my amazing nurse and midwife kept reasurring me it was the best thing and I would be fine.
I went into the o.r. and Justin had to leave me to get his scrubs on and I was freaking out I started having a panic attack and I was just a mess. They numbed me even more and I hated the feeling of being that numb. Finally Justin came in and the surgery began. I just remember being super cold and asking for blankets. Before I knew it they announced she was coming out and I would feel a lot of pressure. Justin kept saying I see her and they yelled out she was out and not to freak out because she wasn't crying she had just swallowed some meconium. They rushed her out I didn't even get to see her.I was panicking that something was wrong and they wouldn't tell me so I kept asking everyone " Are u almost done?" I was so anxious to see her and be done. Finally they came in with her and I saw her and she was just perfect I started to cry it was such an amazing moment. Going into the recovery room I was a mess I was shaking like crazy I was so cold and I coudln't get my body to stop shaking. But I was just watching them take care of Olivia because she was having some trouble breathing and I was so worried. Within a few hours she started breathing a bit better and I was finally able to hold her! It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do but although it was hard I love my labour and delivery journey I had amazing people to help me through it and in the end Olivia came out healthy and so did I!
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